Vernon Fiddler is a former professional hockey player of 15 years turned real estate agent. Vern believes that his skill set as a hockey player can translate to helping clients find success in the real estate arena. His commitment to task, drive to win, and team mentality will be an asset in client success and satisfaction. In addition to pursuing real estate, Vern coaches minor hockey for the Dallas Stars Elite hockey club where he mentors young and talented hockey players. Vern has been active in community service throughout his years with the Dallas Stars as well as during retirement. He has helped raise money for cancer research and won “Dallas Man of the Year” with the Leukemia and Lymphoma Society raising $160,000.00 for the foundation’s continuing fight. Vern is the proud father to Blake and Bella. He and his wife, Chrissy are both Canadian now making Frisco, Texas home.
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